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We expect to hear good news from the vet October 27th. Savannah came through her breeding well and we are excited about the new stud "Ziggy" who has excellent credentials!



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Each pup has their own album below

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Alley Angel Jewel
Scooby Buster Crawford

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2009 litter archive pictures

Each Pup has his/her own photo album for you to watch them grow! Just click on their name.







Be sure and fill out the Puppy Questionaire and review the Puppy contract. This is required to assure the best possible home for our pups. English bulldogs are very special dogs!


They are Here!!!!

An Amazing Bulldog Delivery Story

By Linda McClelland and Laura Quinn


Wait a minute…delivery and bulldog in the same sentence? It can’t be?

Princess was in apparent labor early, Saturday, June 13th, 59 days into her pregnancy. She showed the classic signs, her temp dropped, she panted heavily and steadily. We were convinced that she needed to be examined.

We brought her to the vet 7am in the morning, the moment they opened the doors. They examined her but considering that she was several days shy of her due date, the vet was hesitant to do the c-section because she was worried that the puppies would be too immature. So we all agreed to monitor her closely and hope she could hold out a little longer. 

And so the vigil began:

By 12pm I called the vet to give her an update in which I said. “She is still panting, but seems ok and not stressed”, so we continue to wait and hope the puppies would not come for another day or two and have a chance to fully develop. 

Well, Princess had her own ideas about whether it was ‘time’ or not. By 1:30 pm we see what we think is the first contraction, within 5 minutes a second contraction came. I check her bottom for any indications of progress and I see a small black round sack slightly protruding. Suddenly as I am watching, POP!  Princess delivered her first puppy with apparent ease.  Of course, I was in complete shock and panic since bulldogs are not supposed to be able to deliver their puppies and we have always had our puppies via a c-section.  So we act quickly to remove the sack, shake her upside down to remove any fluids from her lungs and rub her with a towel to stimulate breathing. I then hand the puppy off to Eli and call the vet in a complete panic and burst out with “she just delivered a puppy”.  The vet responds with “Delivered?”,   “Yes!! Delivered!!” I gasp! We toss questions back and forth… Is it alive? Is it normal looking? Is it fully developed? Is it breathing? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, come the replies. OK…We’re on our way!!

 We arrive at the vet’s office by 2pm. We start prepping for a c-section when the other vet arrives and suggests “why don’t we let her try to deliver the rest”?  After much discussion we all concur, we will allow a trial of labor, but if another puppy is not born within 2 hours we will proceed with the c-section.  

In less than an hour the next puppy (#2) is delivered. Twenty minutes later puppy #3 is on the way.  This puppy is the most difficult one so far and Princess has trouble with the delivery, so the vet’s assist.  At that point, the vets don’t think this puppy can be delivered so we begin to prepare for the c-section again. We had hoped to spare her this but it seems as if there is no option, as we comfort Princess and praise her for her hard work, a moment later I find myself yelling…”its out!! We have puppy!” We thought the worst. We thought we had lost him. Our valiant vets act quickly and are able to get the puppy breathing.  We rejoice to have him well but fear for Princesses well being and that of the puppies to be born hangs in the air. A mere twenty minutes later #4 is on the way and is born without incident. We breathe a sigh of relief and allow the natural delivery to progress.

About 50 minutes later Puppy #5 joins us.  At this point, we are slapping backs and congratulating one another. As a precaution an x-ray is taken to be sure there are no more puppies.  We all examine the films and all agree that surely, there are no more puppies. All is well, Princess is well, and we have five beautiful and healthy puppies. The time has come to prepare the puppies and Princess to go home. What a day!

I turn around to check on Princess and much to our surprise, puppy # 6 joins the party. 

We now have 6 absolutely gorgeous and healthy puppies.



Princess is an amazing bulldog and these are very special puppies. Each Puppy offered for sale will have its own photo album

Photo Albums

Faith Zorro Lucky
Alley Mombo Princess and the Pups


After Delivery we begin accepting Deposits of $400 to hold puppies.




Our stud will be

Hurricane Tank II of Hilltop Bulldogs

We are thrilled to have this true championship stud contribute his pedigree to our Legacy.

Our hopes are high for stellar pups!


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